Sharp Cookbook
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I wanted to check out a C# cookbook after developing in C# for almost a year. I figured I should get a basic understanding of the language and the .NET framework by using it for awhile before I buy such a book. That said, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to get the C# Cookbook the day I started developing in C#.

Overall Review

I see two main criteria for reviewing a programming language cookbook.
  1. The quality of each "recipe"
  2. The recipes chosen for the book
The C# Cookbook handles each recipe very well, which we should definitely demand of a cookbook. It has a very simple 4-section format, Problem-Solution-Discussion-See Also. The problem is briefly stated first. The solution is almost entirely code samples, with minimal commentary. The discussion is usually short and sweet, with a few exceptions. The “see also” points to reference topics in the MSDN help, which is of questionable usefulness, since you can search the topics yourself; but, is short enough to skim over easily.

The recipes chosen for the C# Cookbook range from very useful to trivial. One of the trivial examples would be something like, converting degrees to radians. The only language specific feature here is Math.PI, which I don’t think is worth the page it’s printed on. What I found surprisingly useful were some code samples that I spent time coming up with on my own before reading this book, like a custom trace class that outputs in XML. Fortunately, most of the examples were in the useful category.

A few glaring topic omissions are remoting, ADO, and advanced object serialization.

Per-Chapter Review
Numbers Strings Classes Enumerations Exception Diagnostics Delegates Regular Collections Data Filesystem Reflection Networking Security Threading Unsafe XML
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